

Hair & Nails

Δευτέρα 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

September ...

Good month switiesssssss
Good month, good ... automn maybe ... ? Good week and good Monday (yeap,like there's any ''good'' Monday xd)  Anyway automn came in! Summer is over :'(
Don't be sad ... summer might be ... awesome PARTY ALL NIGHT on our laptops with headphones wantching movis and fangirling like crazy...oh and eating like a whale.... BUT it's over . Well ... now as I
have said plenty of times school is starting so we have to realise it and keep moving ... we don't have to let this sad information to ruin our ... day...or week...or month..or year...awww what am I talking this sh*t has ruined my life . But again remeber that you'll see again your BFF , your friends and of cource your diva-enemies who think that they're the best . Are you sick of all those? Me? Since I as born ... so you should just try to impress the m to make them jealous to make them believe that they're not the president of the universe cauz every girl inside her has a hidden princess which is ten times better than all those others...remember the queen always wins xd
So here are some ... outfits..and ideas =)

About nails  .... I'd choose something simple ... just a color not with
shapes and all these . For example I'd pic something like the pink in
the pic below or just something from the nature color . I mean green ,
brow, orange yellow , like the trees and their leaves....or the last option :
gray from the clouds or blue for the rain. Nothing shinny . It's autumn ,
Remeber?Just that simple
Here are some outfit-ideas =)
And now some Hairstyles

Well...that's all ... what do you think?I loved them! U?
Tell me your opinion down in the comments if you want =_
Thanks u a lot all of you!!!!Lots of love and kisses ~Katia~