

Hair & Nails

Δευτέρα 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

My world

Ok that's not like ... a new blog-post ... it's like a facebook post cauz I just wanted to write that...
Where as you problamy know I'm moving out ... so today I go to my new house .... well I got mad with my mother or something like that ... anyway so we go out for a walk at the new mall in my new neighbourhood...
So... we were walking until I saw this .... Claire's ... for the girls who don't know ... Claire's is on of the few stores in my town where they sell One Direction stuff . My thoughs:
1)Claire's....at...I know that...it's in my fav list...wow!
2)One Direction!My husbands are here .... mom I can't even breathe...need a doctor ... need help..
3)Oh my god.... what the hell is this?What the hell is that?Eveything is ...awesome
4)OMG glasses's case one direction?Headphones and headphone splittter One Direction??
5)Damn it... iphone case 1D...mom are you ready gonna gonna get it? ... C'mon lets go and buy an iphone(My brand-new phone is rubbish in front of this case XD)
6) Only got twenty dollars in my pocket....
Ok...my day at first was .... a lot of sad.... but then ... I came into my world....I was like ... "and now I can die happily..." I actually didn't buy nothing... BUT there's a reason ... I'm saving money until summer so I can buy the whole 1D stuff in the store...nice plan huh?
Well.... as you can see by your own ... I'm a big Directioner so today I just... I just... I can't even talk...well yeap I was like "This is my world!" and my mom next to me was like "We're never going shoppin again...the hell is she even doing? I'm not sure this girl is a human ..." Yeap ... I know that I was a liitle crazy .. I know ... but I have never meet them before in real life... soo... even a picture can make my day ...
And  then when we left from the mall...with me extra-full-excited I left the music playing in blaring and then the song alive came and my mom said "Wait , I like this song" and I was like.... yeap ...feel the music feel the music....I'm so proud of her (I've teached her well XD)

Anyway... I hope you enjoyed my happiness cauz if you where excited for your idol , I would be happy (I don't hate over others cauz I just realize that I'm 10000 times worse than them so I can't gudge them ...but if you 'll ever mess up with my idols I'm gonna find you XD)

Love ya all swetiessssss