

Hair & Nails

Κυριακή 31 Αυγούστου 2014

Music ♪♥

I don't know why but lately I've been something like obsessed with writing....
Maybe that's why when I grow up I wanna be an author (also I wanna be a singer, a dancer , a Victoria secret model , a designer , a busness-woman , and an architect ) .
Anyway now it's like 12:02 p.m and I'm really bored so...that's something that everyone cares about: It's MUSIC . Just a simple word ... with so many .... things .... There are a lot of kinds of music like:
Classical , country , jazz , latin , punk , rock , hip hop , rap , R&B , metal and my favourite POP .
They said that music is just something like a ''motivation'' that helps you relax but it's not that simple . Music is maybe the best way to relax and escape from the real life ... to ''escape '' from anything sad that completly ruined your day ... to forget that one person who just have a reason to live : makes you sad ...  music makes you forget everything and everyone .
Just put your headphones on your head and then listen to music , to your favourite song ... you wont hear nothing except from that ... you'd feel like you 're the only person in the world and noone can hurt you anymore . But we don't hear music only when we're sad ... ok although some people ( like me for example XD) are ALWAYS sad ....anyway we have ... several moods ,... like happy , sad , excited , angry ..... for example when we are sad (broke up with  bf or something like that) we hear sad music .... depressed .. heart-breaking music as I called them.... when we're cooking or cleaning we hear a song that makes us ... MOVE IT MOVE IT (but watch out not to burn the house with the cooking) and when we're stuDYING we should hear some slow music with no lyricks so the song wont distruct us (ok that's never gonna happenned but I just...wanted to say that XD) .
We can also hear music when we ''dream'' about some fake(never gonna happened) future realities ... I mean imagine .... Some people hear jazz , some people hear rock .... ok some people believe that rock only relax doesn't give you but that's a personal interest and you can't do nothing about that. Some people prefer rap , some others prefer country music .... and then there are the people "I don't have a favorite category" ....but that doesn't matter . For my my favorite is pop so it's like a treasure for my (like rap is my BFF's treasure) .But the point is that every "category" is special for us and it (for sure) constitutes a treasure for us ....
Well ... what category is YOUR favorite?
Write on the comments below♥

Being the new girl

Hello  !
Well today I'll write about being the new kid ... Well everybody (or most of us) heve been at least for one time ''the new kid" and well ... that's really dissapointing ... Personally I've changed school a lot of times (when I was 2 ,5 , 10 , 12 and now at 14 ,) and I've always made friends (although my best friend I meet her at elementary school and we are still talking) anyway but now I'm going 9th grade and at this age the other kids are not as friendly as they used to be the previous times so now is a little bit despressing thinking that you wont know noone and you wont made any friends cauz everybody has made his own BFF.
Well we may said a lot of times "I wanna change school" or something like that cayz we can't stand somestupid classmates and teachers ... but seriously now if you had the chance , would you change school?NO... well but  now I'm talking about those kids who must change school for their parents work or something like that
First of all I am talking to you guys , when you see for example a new student sitting alone , don't know anyone just go talk to them ... it's not that hard .... if you don't like them ok in few days he/she 'll made some others friends and everything will be fine...
And now ... if you are ''the new kid" as I'm gonna be here are some advices that will may help you:
1) Be yourself. You don't have to act like a crazy diva only cayz you want the popular kids notice you ... in the end you're gonna be the ''fake loser''
2) Don't be shy ... ok that's something really important but if you are like me it's something like ... impossiple ...just give a try
3) When you go to class do not sit in the end if you want to be noticed . In the end "the student's I wanna work at mc donalts when I grow up" in the front ''the students I'm sooo smart" and in the middle .... well you know...you get te point ... I suggest you to sit somewhere like ... in the middle cauz that gonna make other believe that you're not the shy one and you are the socializable type
4)For example at the lab don't be afraid to go to someone and say "Hey ... I'm new here do you wanna be my partener?" or in the halls just ask someone that you like -as friend always- "I'm new here and I'm a little confused can you help me find the spanish class please?" It works
5)Smile( ok with some limits the smile) and be kind (but watch out don't be a slave some people misandersood or even worst exploit your kindness) Just  sufffice to ''please'' and "thanks"
6)The firstimpression is really important so you just have to be perfect! High school students are really ... judgemental?? or something like that....so at first the previous night sleep at least 8 hours cauz you don't have to hide all these black bags under your eyes . Now the morning just take a bath and were the perfect clothes...something simple and casual but still perfecet .. then make your hair and the last think is makeup ..don't put a lot ... just a little.... Personally I prefer the real me than the "clown" me
7)If you want just join aclb or a team ... for example if you like sportss go to sports ... well my mom wants to put me to a sport team although I hate sports ...but I love volleyball...only volley! So I'm gonna join a volley team ... so then I'm gonna be sorrounded by girls in the same age with the same interests so in there I might find my future BFF ... so that you should also do!
8) Internet....without that you're gonna be social dead....yeap...(facebook if you know...)
9) Don't flirt with anyone you see standing in front of you cayz then you've made a reservation for a flight (a class) to the hell

Well...these was my advices ... cauz spill by mistake your water (BY MISTAKE) to the hot guy you just meet does not always works....
I hope I help you cauz in 10 days school  is starting and although I look ... confident I'm totally freaking out....I AM FREACKING OUT!!
I hope I helped you-although I don't help me at all.... :'(
Lot of kisses
~A girl who isfreacking ouut with the name Katia~

Σάββατο 30 Αυγούστου 2014

Teenager posts (1)

And nowwwwwwwwwwwwww
I'm having for you some teeeeeeenage posts .... admit that...we all love teenage posts....
They are....so ....true .... they are just awesome....congadulation to the creator =)
Take a look they're some of the best =)
They're funny... admit it! Anyway I hope you laghed as much as I do . Hope you loved them =)
Thanks a lot kissesssssssssssssssssssss

Girly Posts (1)

Ok I found some awesome pics which totally Describe my life and I think and yours :
Take a look =)
Love ~Katia~

That's it...well hope you'll like it... I personally love the pic No 19 ''wanting to kiss harry styles" yeap I'm really obsesses XD
Anyway Love ya <3


I didn't know what to post girls...but them  rememberes this!
Weird huh? I know
I know I just feel confused??
Anyway well last years my dreams were like simple stuff.... like you know In one dream I saw someone holding a knife and killing someone .... the next day after that my little bunny was dead (big story...someone give her poison...big story but true) one time I dreamed a lot of cats running on my house...two days later my little kitten got sick...so I used to believe in dreams ... cauz they were like...coming true... but then I started not just like music and tv series I bacame something like a huge obsessed fan..I think you get me....so sometimes I dreamed about One Direction (HUGE directioner) and all these stuff.... Well One time I dreamed about me singing on little Mix and becoming a member .. ok that was one of the best dreams ever but anyway... Yesterday I saw a dream were I was kidnapped and my kidnapper had also kidnapped my secret sister that I had no idea I had a sister...my sister was also blind...well the kidnapper caught from police so I was happy cause I met my sister....I think that I've been affected a lot from Pretty Little Liars...
So a little advice: If you are a fangirl do never believe in dreams .... I think that it's kinda never'gonna'happened having a secret sister which is gonna kidnapped and she's also blind and the kidnapper kidnapp you ... oh ... did I mention that the kidnapper's name was -A ?

Well...that's it =)

School Is Starting SOS!

HEY HEy Hey hey ... I have some bad news :
What are you gonna do about that?I think that die is agood option although eating is delicious too....
Dilemma huh? I know ... hard decession
Well today I actually thought that instead of posting photos I'll try to give you some "advices" (kinda...) about going back to school about 2 months vocation spending them with your pc and fridge....same here!
So .... I'm starting:
1)First of all.... you're not the only one out there...just think at ;least mosto of you you're gonna meet your BFF your crush (ok and those stupid bitces you wanna kill) but at least you 're gonna have someone... but think of some people like me : Same old bithes but a different way....what I mean is that I'm moving out ... I'm gonna leave back all those stupid people behind me to meet new bitces (students and teachers) and I wont know noone.... and hello! I'm going high school.. C'mon... so my situation is even worse...
2) You know the first day at school is like no big deal cauz....do you know what's worse? The second day ... cauz you don't have to meet again those stupid people...you have to DEAL with them!
3) Homework...homework....that's pretty easy .... You can say something like : I'm a fangirl and we both now which is more important . Internet ALWAYS win
4)If you're that kid in the corner that does not talk or something like that and everybody bullies you ... you can't do nothing about that EXCEPT from start some self-defense lessons ... and one day put them down......tha's gonna be pretty funny for everyone(except from the OLD bullie) so good like kidoo
5) Don't care about nobody (hard at first but then...you get used to it) cauz nobody wants your good in there (maybe your BFF but be carefull cauz some BestFriendsForever can become into seconds to BestFakeFriends) except from your family (I know now I talk like my mom grose... but sometimes she's right... hey remeber parents pay for our wifi and food... they love us XD)

Ok I hope I helped a little... Thankssss =)

School Outfits

Well school is starting and noone likes school uniforms right?
At least that's my opinion....well anyway and it's the first day at school . We have to be ... amazing (Especially if you're gonna be the new student like me...and that's awfull..) anyway for example you want to impress someone (you know what I mean) to impress that one person (the person which in the future probably break your heart...I'm just saying the truth..sorry) you have to dress properly ... something casual and simple .... we don't wanna be a diva ... we dont wanna be Lady Gaga.... we're still in High school remember?
Here are some outfits that you should try =)
Good luck =)
Love you all alot...
Love yaaa
Hope I helped you ~Katia~ :* <3

1) Simple a
nd casual... Love it
2) Be carefull with the high-heels ... you can also wear snickers instead... ?
3)Well what do you think? Tell me your opinion down in the coments =)

Summer Outfits

Summer .... no school just relax .... Today I was on We Heart It so I discovered some cute outfits for example for a walk with friends( although many of you like me you're the home-sitting type and not the party girl....congradulations normal people!)
Anyway these are some cute outfits cauz ok we can stay home all day but that doesn't mean that we don't have to look awesome - that does not apply to me - so get prepaaaare  girlssssss ;)
 Love ya all
Ok... I know that wearing a dress is not as good as it looks but when I saw this dress I said "If  wifi was not inveted I would marry you " remember ... wifi ALWAYS wins XD

I think that it's more like a beach-outfit but it's still gorgous..... Love it!